IBI Platform

1.  Supported Learning Types

  •  Asyncronous Self-paced
  •  Asyncronous Instructor-led
  •  Synchronous Virtual Classroom
  •  Blended Learning

2.  User Accounts 

  • Browse list of users
  • Bulk User Actions
  • Add a new user
  • Custom/Mandatory User profile fields
  • Upload users
  • Archive users

3.  User Roles

  •  Define roles
  •  Role Assignment
  •  System Permissions per role
  •  Teams and Team Hierarchies

4.  User Authentication

  •  Self-Registration
  •   Manual Accounts
  •  Active Directory/LDAP Integration
  •  Custom User login page

5.  User Enrollment

  •  Course based enrollment
  •  Self-enrollment
  •  Self-enrollment (with a PIN #)
  •  Survey enrollment (based on a response)
  •  Automated Enrollment (based on User data)
  •  Attendance Tracking

6.  Course Creation

  •  Built-In Authoring Tool
  •  Changing Course default settings
  •  Upload courses
  •  Can reuse PPTs, PDFs, Videos
  •  Consume online video content
  •  Tests Engine
  •  Survey Engine
  •  Assignments Engine
  •  Course backup Options
  •  Scheduling LIVE events
  •  Learning Paths (Curriculums)

7.  Course Categories

  •  Create new Categories
  •  Assign Courses to categories
  •  Manage Categories

8. Course Format

  •  Social Format
  •  Topics Format
  •  Gamification
  •  LIVE Videoconferencing
  •  LIVE Chat Option
  •  Course Discussions
  •  Learner Upload

9.  Activity Grading

  •  Gradebook
  •  Gradebook comments
  •  Multiple grading scales
  •  Course History

10. Gamification

  •  Badges
  •  Badge customization
  •  Points
  •  Rewards
  •  Levels
  •  Customize Gamification mechanics

11. Reports

  •  Grading Report Settings
  •  Training Record Maintenance
  •  Exporting Reports in variety of formats
  •  Automated Report Scheduling
  •  Dashboards and Graphic Reports

12. Customization

  •  Personalized views
  •  Mobile Learning Support

13.  Shopping Cart

  •  Built-In Shopping Cart
  •  Shopping Cart as Plug-In

14. System Reports

  •  Live Logs
  •  Email notification settings
  •  Automatic email reports in predefined intervals

15.  Security

  •  IP Blocker
  •  Anti-spam
  •  Anti-virus
  •  Strong Passwords
  •  Restrict registration to specific domains

and unique features…