
We are constantly looking to work with partners across cities to bring excellent business opportunities for your companies.
How does Automated School work? It is an exclusive feature enabling our partner companies to leverage extensive control over their operations independently based on our multi-portals function, which achieved over 90% automation levels, which include:
1. Enrollment and student management
    • eEnrollment
    • Student management

2. Academic and teacher management 

    • Teacher registration
    • Teacher management
    • eScheduling
    • Class management
    • eAssessment
    • eBadges
    • eReport

3. Customer care management

    • eAttendance
    • eReminder
    • eTracking
Partnership program: We understand that being a good business partner means providing the resources to help you succeed. So, we have created the partnership program to help you grow properly with the least amount of risk, as follows:
A partner just makes use of its office space available on Saturday or Sunday and its available sales resources to: 
  • recruit students based on the set target.
  • implement local marketing activities based on the theme provided by IBI School.
Why partnering with us?  
Contact us today at for further information!