eKids | Online English for Children is designed as a very fun and interesting environment for children aged 6 to 12 to learn English entirely online. eKids is the one-stop-shop solution for children at all English levels, from Starters to Flyers for the positive development of learners across all skills.
The curriculum is developed based on The Common Core State Standards for English Language arts (CCSSI-ELA) to foster creativity and innovation in the learning environment.
The instructional design was based on the harmonious combination between IBI self-paced learning (eClasses), IBI live classroom training (eConversations) and the integrated outdoor Learning Program (I-Innovation), which is the great merger of innovative pedagogy and advanced technology to help children develop their English skills without classroom training.
Children at eKids experience a complete professional learning process just as they are learning at a high-end English school. The curriculum is developed in the way that students can study actively and engage with it.

eKids learning model

The above chart shows how online learning was flipped based on the harmonious combination of IBI self-paced learning (eClasses), IBI live classroom (eConversations) and integrated outdoor activities.
1. eClasses: 
Students learn interactive lessons with eClasses, before joining eConversations to collaborate with real teachers and peers for discussions, sharing ideas, and playing games.
This process helps students to study reading, listening, writing, and pronunciation skills while they can write write down questions related to their eClasses lessons, then get feedback 24/7 from the teachers at their own space or at least be prepared to ask these questions in their eConversations.
eClasses was designed based on the innovative combination of workbook-based methodology and the effects of repetition method, which is not only educational, but also fun for children to learn!
IBI authoring tool (eTeractive) makes it easier to transfer the knowledge to students based on real world eLearning activities to actively engage learners with the lessons. In this way, students not only acquire the lessons fastest but also find them amusing to use.
2. eConversations: 
eConversations is the environment that helps students practice and use the knowledge they have learned from eClasses efficiently and effectively.
  • Collaboration: IBI’s Cloud-based Real Time Communication (eConversations) allows students and teachers to interact LIVE on a personal and group level. Thanks to a wide range of powerful features and useful tools, interactive whiteboards, text chatting, and teacher-managed control options. So, our teachers are able to optimize our teaching method to dynamically lead the live class via group discussion, learning activities (educational games, quizzes, board games, jeopardy, etc.) and team competition. See eConversations features
  • Convenience: IBI’s LMS was built with a high level of automation and personalization that allows students to enroll, choose schedules, register, and take classes INDEPENDENTLY;
  • Customization: eConversations can be customized based on the requirements of your organization’s real-world challenges. It can help develop productive new networks among employees;
  • Class size: Small class size with a maximum 09 students per class. Based on careful research and observations by our experts, this is the ideal number to make the most of live online learning since it enables a stronger relationships among students as well as between teacher and students. Moreover, it promotes peer learning.
  • Combination: eConversations’ learning content is highly professionally designed in harmony with eClasses to maximize your learning experience.
3. Outdoor Learning:

The IBI outdoor learning program (I-Innovation) offers a valuable experience for students to draw on several different aspects of learning through innovation projects; it enables students to respond to the diversities in the people they see and the different environments they are involved in. It is also essential for educators to guide their joy in being part of the world offered outside our doors.

The students are also encouraged to become confident and involved learners by further developing their dispositions for learning, such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination, and reflexivity.

Below is our learning pathway: 
CEYL Course Duration IBI Flipped Learning Solution

(eClasses + eConversations + I-Innovation)

    No. of weeks eClasses eConversations I-Innovation
YLE Starters eKids I 16 weeks 32 hours 32 hours 4,5 hours
eKids II 16 weeks 32 hours 32 hours 4,5 hours
eKids III 16 weeks 32 hours 48 hours 4,5 hours
eKids IV 16 weeks 32 hours 48 hours 4,5 hours
YLE Movers eKids V 16 weeks 32 hours 48 hours 4,5 hours
eKids VI 16 weeks 32 hours 48 hours 4,5 hours
eKids VII 16 weeks 32 hours 48 hours 4,5 hours
eKids VIII 16 weeks 32 hours 48 hours 4,5 hours
YLE Flyers eKids IX 16 weeks 32 hours 48 hours 4,5 hours
eKids X 16 weeks 32 hours 48 hours 4,5 hours
eKids XI 16 weeks 32 hours 48 hours 4,5 hours
eKids XII 16 weeks 32 hours 48 hours 4,5 hours